Pictures from the Ma Davis Album
1961 - Judy Phelps - Marlene Rudolph - Sandy Weber - Betsy Canfield
Faye Popovich- David Hall
1955 FHA Banquet - Quartet - Phyllis Doolittle - Bunny Hunt - Pat Weaver - Martha Himrod
?? - Hal Beavers - Jim Markham - Vic Mallory - Jim Barton
Principal C. Warren Dingle - Joni Markham at Queens Parade in Erie in 1955
FHA - 1959
Officers of the Fort LeBoeuf School Chorus
Principal C. Warren Dingle - Nancy Ostryniec
FHA Initiation - 1955
Thanks to Anita Breitweiser Palmer, FLBHS class of 1962, for the above pictures.
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